Glad You Are Here!


At Edina Assembly of God we are a church family that loves Jesus and loves people.  We are your friends and neighbors, and we want you to know that you are welcome.  

Although we are not perfect people, we do desire to become more like Jesus, and to help others discover and deepen relationship with Him.

What To Expect

Our Sunday morning Worship Service is filled with music, prayer, and teaching from God’s Word (the Bible).  It is all designed so that every person present has an opportunity to connect with God, with others, and go deeper into a relationship with Him.  We believe in, and anticipate the power and presence of God in our services and give opportunity for prayer to those who desire it.  We hope to see you soon.

Check out the other opportunities we have for all ages during the week through our MINISTRIES, or listen to a Sunday message in our MEDIA.

(Note: Ministries & Media tabs have been removed during the COVID-19 stay at home directive so that we can give easier access to our online ministries in the navigational Tabs at the top of the page. We are being proactive to provide meaningful ministry to all of our church family during this time and look forward to when we can join together in our normal ministries.)